The review of the new animated film, "Wreck It Ralph" by Lucas! Enjoy! And go see it in the theatres now!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
"Wreck It Ralph" Movie Review
The review of the new animated film, "Wreck It Ralph" by Lucas! Enjoy! And go see it in the theatres now!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
"Argo" Movie Review
Monday, October 8, 2012
"Frankenweenie" Movie Review
The new animated film, "Frankenweenie" has surprised us all! Watch the video above to get some opinions on the movie, and more! And always don't forget to subscribe, comment, or like the videos from Justme7388, or follow us here on blogspot!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Seven Psychopaths Movie Review
Seven Psychopaths review from Lucas! I, the editor, thought it was great, just to let everyone know, Lucas has some different thoughts, and to see exactly what he thinks on the new film click the video <----!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Looper Movie Review
Looper Movie Review (Lucas)
Looper is new film from writer/director, Rian Johnson, who has directed The Brothers Bloom and Brick which also starred Joeseph Gordan Levitt. Looper has a very unique and interesting premise, as it follows Joe (Joeseph Gordan Levitt) who is a looper. The reason we have these looper's is because in the the year 2072 time travel is outlawed and the only people that use it are the mob. Since forensics are so good in the future they acn't kill anybody without getting caught, so they send the target back to the year 2042, where time travel hasn't been invented and the looper waits for them and kills them on sight. Joe follows his usually routine while he waits for his target in a field. He then notices the target as his future self (Bruce Willis) and his future self gets the drop on him and Joe has to find him or the mob will kill both of them.
This is just the basic plot for looper as there is many more layers and plotlines that can be easily spoiled and the trailers have done a great job of not spoiling any of the suprises. I loved looper and it was such a refreshing movie in a year of mediocre blandness. The performances by everyone are solid, but I really liked the two leads. JGL has a lot of make up to make himself resemble a younger Bruce Willis and his imiation is pretty spot on, while creating his own character at the same time. Bruce Willis had a much more emotional performance than one would expect, and it was so refreshing to see Bruce Willis really tap in to his dramtic side, while also being incredibly fucking badass. Emily Blunt also has a crucial role in the sotry but if I talk any more about her I will be heading into spoiler territory.
Rian Johnson has written a very clever script and knows that the details of time travel get messy, so even characters in the movie tell others not to go into specifics about how it works. The film has a very stylish look and looks pretty amazing for a 30 million dollar budget. The movie has a good sense of humour and the comedic scenes between JGL and Willis are really fun to watch. The actors performances are so good here, especially from Willis to were near the end of the film, I got seriously emotionally invested and made some scenes very tense. The action delivers in spades and this movie had some incredibly violent scenes that reminded me when I first saw drive for the first time. that really don't want to spoil but one involves Willis wielding dual guns and puts them to DAMN good use.
The only real problem I had with looper is the middle portion of the film slows down a lot, almost jarringly slow compared to the first act. Fortuantely,you do learn a lot about the film's characters during this portion that still makes it worth watching and some very important plot lines come into play in this middle portion. You will get over that though, because loopers 3rd act takes some HUGE risks (no one is safe in this movie not even little kids) and delivers some very high octane and character driving action.
Overall, looper is a entertaining sci fi flick that is smart, has a lot of suprises, and a good amount of action. The film always keeps you guessing while getting you emotionally invested into your main characters and who could ask for more than that. I give looper 4.5 stars out of 5 and is one the best and original films of the year.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Very New myspace from Actor Justin Timberlake!
Wow! Actor, Musician, Voice Actor, Restaurateur, Music Producer, Clothing Designer, and Jessica Biel's husband, Justin Timberlake, bought out Myspace recently and he made some major changes! I think myspace is on the road to a comeback! Looks very innovative. Watch the video to learn more about this whole new website. Good job JT, you've done it again. P.S, is there something he can't do?? Like, it's ridiculous!?
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"Man of Steel" Trailer!
You know when you can't really decribe something, and it takes you forever for the word to come to your head. Well this wasn't that, this was one word in caps that came up in thought and that is EPIC! It's produced by Super-hero legend Christopher Nolan, directed by Zack Snyder, and wait I'm not finished, it stars... Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, and huge supporting cast. Tell me that's not something to look forward to. It comes out June 14th, 2013.
Monday, September 17, 2012
"Arbitrage" Movie Review (Author: Editor)
Before reading this review I want you to know this is not Lucas from Justme7388 on Youtube, this is his editor doing this review.
Richard Gere, who was phenomenal in this particular film, portrays a businessman and financier named Robert Miller, who is in the ways of a multi-million dollar fraud, as well as in the mix of cheating on his wife, and to add even more on his case, he is trying to cover up the death of his mistress, who died in a car accident while Robert Miller was driving. He yet does not have a good relationship with any of his family, for example, his daughter who he made CFO of his empire, is now suing him along with many other of his associates, and as I said before, he is having an affair with another woman besides his wife. He is trying to handle all of this on one plate and basically this movie is set up for the audience to watch him make his way out of every situation.
In the beginning, Miller is in debt of about 400 million dollars, and attempts to hide it from all investors he has worked with, which can't be an easy thing to do. As you take a closer look and really get to know the character you find his mistakes, debts, frauds, and sorrows to make up who he is.
Later, comes along a chief detective (played by Tim Roth) who is in charge of investigating the accident and he is very skeptical, and by sudden surprise, he wants a questionaire with Miller, but no proof or factual evidence can really get Miller thrown under the bus. The character Jimmy Grant also shows up big time getting swirled into all of Miller's causes. The story then finishes out as the guilty men walk away empty handed, but free at last.
Stepping away from the plot and back to the reviewing, I want to say I was so impressed with the works of the debut director, and writer Nicholas Jarecki. What an astonishing performance we got. I had so much fun watching "Arbitrage", it is really so intriguing, suspenseful, convincing and entertaining, that you don't want to take your eyes away from the screen.
Richard Gere, who was phenomenal in this particular film, portrays a businessman and financier named Robert Miller, who is in the ways of a multi-million dollar fraud, as well as in the mix of cheating on his wife, and to add even more on his case, he is trying to cover up the death of his mistress, who died in a car accident while Robert Miller was driving. He yet does not have a good relationship with any of his family, for example, his daughter who he made CFO of his empire, is now suing him along with many other of his associates, and as I said before, he is having an affair with another woman besides his wife. He is trying to handle all of this on one plate and basically this movie is set up for the audience to watch him make his way out of every situation.
In the beginning, Miller is in debt of about 400 million dollars, and attempts to hide it from all investors he has worked with, which can't be an easy thing to do. As you take a closer look and really get to know the character you find his mistakes, debts, frauds, and sorrows to make up who he is.
Later, comes along a chief detective (played by Tim Roth) who is in charge of investigating the accident and he is very skeptical, and by sudden surprise, he wants a questionaire with Miller, but no proof or factual evidence can really get Miller thrown under the bus. The character Jimmy Grant also shows up big time getting swirled into all of Miller's causes. The story then finishes out as the guilty men walk away empty handed, but free at last.
Stepping away from the plot and back to the reviewing, I want to say I was so impressed with the works of the debut director, and writer Nicholas Jarecki. What an astonishing performance we got. I had so much fun watching "Arbitrage", it is really so intriguing, suspenseful, convincing and entertaining, that you don't want to take your eyes away from the screen.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
"Bachelorette" Movie Review (Author: Editor)
Before reading this review I want you to know this is not Lucas from Justme7388 on Youtube, this is his editor doing this review, because I just wanted to maybe share my thoughts on this film here.
So, I had a free screening of "bachelorette" and I had watched it at home, and it might have been the biggest mistake ever, because this movie, this ridiculous, quirky, stupid, girly movie was so terrible, I mean just horrible! For one, I like Isla Fisher, not just for her attractiveness, but also she isn't a bad actor per say, she is pretty good, Kirsten Dunst I hate, I've hated her ever since I was little and I saw her in Spiderman, Lizzy Caplan, I hate to say this, but I've never seen her in anything...and then there is the supporting cast of James Marsden, who was in 27 Dresses and Hop (What a reputation he's got) and there is a bunch of others who's names aren't worth mentioning. The 3 main girls are really hot though, which you would think would make up for something, but no, it didn't. Let me just say, that if there is ever, ever, a movie that comes out as a release on Itunes or On Demand, before going to theatres, you know it's bad. I'm not really sure, what I was thinking to watch this, and I'm not quite sure what kept me watching it the whole way through, because it definitely was not entertaining, I think I was just so startled by how poor it was, and wasn't even paying attention to the fact this was on screen. Or my other hypothesis, is that I was trying to break a record, and that record is the only guy who has and will ever sit through this completely. One thing I did want to point out is that this movie is so not believable, you have three beautiful girls and one fatty, and the fatty marries first out of all of them, and it's to a guy that is I guess who girls would say is "alright", and it just didn't make sense. Watching this movie was such a huge mistake. To this point, I'm still trying to forget I ever saw it. Bachelorette: 1/5 stars.
"Lincoln" Trailer
Now that's a film! Still even crazy to me to see how much they made him look like Lincoln even in action! You can see the movie November 9th, which is just a short time to wait, and you will be able to see them again afterwards at any award shows that exist.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Weekend Box Office 9/7-9/9/12
Not a great weekend for the movie business, as you can see... "The Possession" still leads at number one and made a solid nine million for the weekend, followed behind by "Lawless". The new film that actually did come out this weekend was "The Words" with Bradley Cooper, Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Irons, and Dennis Quaid. It didn't hit what they were probably hoping for, but still made the top five list coming in at number 3. "The Expendables 2" and "Paranorman" are still keeping up with the rest of them, staying in the race at numbers four and five. Remember, for the most accurate results for the weekend box office check the FlickReport every monday! 'Til next time...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Blu-Ray Tuesday 9-4-12
Blu-Ray Tuesday 9-4-12
Welcome back to Blu Ray Tuesday! I hope you guys liked this segment when I introduced it last week and if you didn't... sucks for you. This week the new movies released were, Safe, The Five Year Engagement, Piranha 3DD, High School, and the HUGE Harry Potter Wizards Collection. In television we also have a lot of goodies for you, including, 2 Broke Girls, Bored to Death Complete 3rd Season, Hung The Complete 3rd Season, Fringe The Complete 4th Season, Person Of Interest Season 1, and The Office Season 8. Which one's will you add to your collection?
Monday, September 3, 2012
Michael Clarke Duncan Dead At 54
Today, September 3rd, 2012, actor, Michael Clarke Duncan was found dead at the age of 54. The actor has been in such films as, Armageddon, Green Lantern, Kung Fu Panda, and most famously, The Green Mile for which he was nominated an Academy Award. For those who haven't seen Michael before you definitely have heard his voice in either television or film and his performance in The Green Mile is heartbreakingly great. RIP Mr. Duncan, and our thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
"TDKR" has Reached $1 Billion!
One of the biggest and most hyped movies of 2012, "The Dark Knight Rises", which is part of the legendary Christopher Nolan trilogy, has now reached over $1 Billion dollars in domestic gross, and has passed "The Dark Knight". This is a crucial point of the movie's being, and a huge deal for all of the cast and crew.
Production for "Motor City" has Shut Down
Just recently this summer we told you about how Gerard Butler was in tact and on board with the film for a star role in "Motor City", that would be directed by Albert Hughes, and Jake Gyllenhaal, Mickey Rourke, and Jeremy Renner would also appear on screen. That all has gone to waste, now that production for the movie has officially shut down and closed. Nothing has been confirmed on why production has come to an end, but it's believed to be because of conflicts behind the scenes. Leave a comment with your opinions on this story below!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
"Lawless" Movie Review (Video)
You know, I would do a written version of this, but this review is so entertaining, and fun, that I will leave it up to Lucas to tell you about it. Note: New software, more playful, and a well-said review. Watch the video down below! it! P.S, from the snapshot, it doesn't look like he knows much of anything [ :) ], but he does, and if you like his reviews you can always follow us here, or subscribe over at Justme7388 on Youtube!
Ryan Gosling going to Direct
Ryan Gosling will make his debut as a director for a movie titled, "How to Catch a Monster", which is reportedly a 'new era fairy tale', and it stars Christina Hendricks, who also starred along side with Gosling in one of his greatest roles in the thriller "Drive", she stars in the very popular show, "Mad Men" as well. The plot is creative, enough for Gosling to play around with:
The story centers on a single mother of two and her teenage son who stumble upon a road leading to an underwater town.
More news on this will be coming down the road, so stumble upon for more!
The story centers on a single mother of two and her teenage son who stumble upon a road leading to an underwater town.
More news on this will be coming down the road, so stumble upon for more!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Blu- Ray Tuesday 8-28-12
Welcome to the first ever Blu Ray Tuesday! Every tuesday we will tell you guys the new movies and shows released on blu ray for that week. This week we have many new releases such as, Battleship (2012), Think Like a Man (2012), the underrated Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012), and The Lucky One (2012). For all you TV junkies out there, you will be in heaven this week. New releases include, "The Walking Dead Complete 2nd Season, Once Upon a Time Complete 1st Season, Homeland Complete First Season, Sons Of Anarchy Complete 4th Season, and Boardwalk Empire Complete 2nd Season. Which ones will you guys pick up?
Saturday, August 25, 2012
About Flick Report
So, if you guys don't know already, here is a little bit about this blog in the video up above. With background info, and other things related. I have a great time doing it, and I'm pleased that people share the same passion as me and check this page out. Thank you so much for viewing, and please provide feedback, thoughts, and keep looking out for Flick Report!
Adrien Brody added on to "Motor City"
Adrien Brody will now play the antagonist in "Motor City", which is a revenge action thriller starring Gerard Butler, Mickey Rourke, and Brody portraying a villainous character. "Motor City" is about a felon who goes out for revenge on the people that framed him and does this after he is released from prison. The movie will be released through Warner Bros. April of 2013. For more news always check!
Ben Affleck denies "Justice League" Rumors
Ben Affleck announced that he is currently not in talks to direct the "Justice League" movie. Affleck commented:
"I'm not working on "Justice League", one of the problems with entertainment sites is that they need to fill pages, and that's how rumors get started."
On the bright side, he added:
"Justice League sounds really exciting, but it's not something I am working on."
Do you think Ben Affleck could direct it in the future? He didn't directly say he wasn't GOING to work on it. Leave a comment and tell us if you think he could or will!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Scorsese Sued?

Chuck Norris Done With The Expendables
It appears the man who won an arm wrestling match with Jesus, beat a brick wall in a game of tennis, and shot down a german figther pilot by holding up his finger and saying bang, is leaving the nostalgic action franchise, The Expendables. Norris told Access Hollywood, Nope. Just Number 2. This is it for me... Oh, Yeah. This is very special. Just to be able to do the film with guys I've known for many, many years." Even though Norris was awesome in the sequel, I am not terribly upset. Im not a huge fan of the man's films but I will miss the Norris jokes in The Expendables 3. How do you feel about Norris leaving?
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
New "Lincoln" Poster
Steven Spielburg plus Daniel Day-Lewis adds up to amazement. This new poster was just released, and wow he does look a lot like Abe, that is remarkable! Hopefully, we get a trailer for this soon. The film opens in theatres November 16th. If you don't see this, you don't appreciate the art of film.
"Despicable Me" Minion Spin-off!
It seemed like everyone loved the animated film, "Despicable Me" when it came out in theatres in 2010. With all of the heart-warming, loveable characters, a favorite for most was the minions as you see up above. Despicable Me 2 was announced just shortly after the first one was reaching success. Now that the 2nd is coming out in 2013, Chris Meledandri wanted to surprise us with more, and publicized very recently that their will be a spin-off about just the minions, and they will be getting to the theatres December 19th, 2014, and that will stay the same unless there is a scheduling conflict. You can see them even sooner July 3rd of next year along with Gru and others for "Despicable Me 2"! Stay in the mix for updates!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
"Lawless" Red Band Trailer
Here is the all new Red Band trailer for "Lawless" that starts in theatres this friday! Tom Hardy, Shia Lebeouf, Gary Oldman, Guy Pearce, the list goes on! The movie is really starting to look like one of the best of the year, see it for yourself! <<
A possible end of the road for "The Dark Tower"
The director and producer of what could be a film, Ron Howard has tried and tried again with Universal and Warner Bros and he's not getting any luck whatsoever! Reports say that one of the biggest concerns was the budget, and having problems with finding an actor to take the lead role. BUT WAIT! There is light at the end of the tunnel for "The Dark Tower", because MRC is in deep interest with this project, and that could resolve all funding issues that were present. For those who don't know this is a book series as well, and a very good one, so if the movie could interest you, the books would be a great place to start to pick up on storyline and everything else. The future could be bright for "The Dark Tower".
Todd Phillips takes on "The Gambler" Remake
Todd Phillips, director of "The Hangover" films, and a bunch of other comedies is now looking for a more serious type of crime drama to direct after he finishes his "The Hangover: Part III". A remake of "The Gambler" is somewhere in the air, and Todd Phillips is looking to direct it, after Martin Scorcese left, as well as Leonardo DiCaprio. In the aftermath, it most likely will end up in Todd Phillips' hands. We will see where he takes it, visit flickreport for upcoming news!
"The Impossible" Trailer
This film is based off a true story, which I think can add an emotional and heartwarming factor. Naomi Watts is always pretty good, and Ewan McGregor looks like he did a great job. The kids' acting is phenomenal! If you want a story that is based off a real family's survival, and is down-to-earth, I'd watch out for this one, and see it in theatres December 21st.
Dreamworks and 20th Team Up!
They will bring you movies like "Spongebob Squarepants" (Eh.), "Dora the Explorer" (Oh man...), "The Legend of Korra" (Hmm..), and an animated JJ Abbrams film (Wooh!). Dreamworks better bring us good work!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Death of Director Tony Scott
Tony Scott, british director of many films from "Top Gun" in 1986, with Tom Cruise, who credits success from that movie, all the way to "Unstoppable" in 2010, with Denzel Washington. Tony Scott had committed suicide last night (August 19th, 2012) by jumping off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro, California. He was 68. He will surely be missed, and all of my thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones, friends, family, his brother who is also a famous director and movie maker Ridley, and his wife and kids. I may have not been the biggest fan of Scott's work, but the man had a distinct style and his 1995 film, Crimson Tide is a amazingly well directed film. He has had many successes over the years, many to be proud of, and he will always be remembered. May he rest in peace. (June 21, 1944-August 19, 2012)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
"Homefront" News!
Sylvester Stallone is on a run! He has written a script and will be producing for a movie titled "Homefront", which is based on a novel by author Chuck Logan, and it centers around a retired DEA agent (Statham) who moves his family to a quiet town to get away from the louder surroundings, and the town happens to be seething and filled with drugs and violence, run by a kingpin named Gator (Franco). Sly is behind the scenes on this
one, but you still have an allstar cast to make up for it! As you can see Jason Statham and Franco will be taking over the leads, while supporting role could possibly be taken up by Winona Ryder, as for other supports, there has been none others announced at this point. They will start shooting down in New Orleans in late September, so folks down there, try to spot them in action! For news, talks, clips and trailers for "Homefront" stay in the loop with
Saturday, August 18, 2012
"The Expendables 2" Review

The Expendables 2 is one of my most anticipated movies of the summer. Most people are thinking "most anticipated film of the summer?", well I was super excited when the first expendables came out because I grew up watching Rambo, Rocky, and a lot of the Sylvester Stallone movies, such as Cliffhanger and stuff. Sly was my action hero growing up. I also grew up watching a lot of Schwarzenegger films such as Terminator 1 and 2. So, all of these great, cheesy, stupid action movies like Commando, and then the good ones like Die Hard, and even some of the crappy Van Damme movies. Seeing all of my favorite 80's action heroes was very nastalgic for me and I think that's why I like the first film a lot more than other people.
When they were making the Expendables 2, it had pretty much everyone that I wanted to see more of in the first I was pretty close to crapping myself :).
Expendables 2 is just a really fun time at the movie theatre and it's a great way to end the summer movie season. It's just a lot of fun, and knows exactly what it is. I think it might be just as good, or better than the first. Do you really need to know the plot of this film? No, it doesn't matter. You just need to know if the action is good, and the actors all work well together, and I have to say yes on both accounts. This movie is just so much fun, there is so many moments where I wanted to like hi-five the person sitting next to me. There was so many times where I just laughed out of sheer awesomeness and nostalgia. The movie is probably not a 'good' movie by any means, besides the action department. The acting a lot of the times, along with some of the supporting characters is pretty awful. Some of the dialogue is attrocious! The way the actors is look is unbelievable, you know, like you see Stallone doing a cartwheel or barrel roll, and you're like no, that wouldn't happen, but that all adds to the fun.
When you go into the Expendables 2, you're not looking for "The Dark Knight Rises", you are just looking for a really fun, nastalgic movie, and I thought it was perfect for that. I was also very happy that they had Van Damme be the villain because I'm not a very big Van Damme fan. I have always admired his stunt work and martial arts, but I've never been a big fan of his movies, maybe I just haven't seen enough, but I have seen "Death Warrant" and "Blood Sport" which I had likes, but I haven't seen many films, other than those which weren't the greatest in my opinion. I was very happy that they had him as the villain and not part of the team, because I thought he was very menicing, and actually one of the problems I had with the movie, is I thought he could have been in it more of him.
This movie has some amazing moments, whether it be the opening scene, which was really just one big action extravaganza, and might be one of the best action scenes in the whole movie. It starts out huge, with tons of explosions, and decapitations, and huge gory blood shots, but it was fantastic, it was really amazing. One thing that surprised me the most is Simon West. Now, when they announced he was directing, that was probably one of my biggest concerns, because of his work on the Jason Statham movie, "The Mechanic". I really thought that was one of the most poorly directed action films I had seen in awhile. I was very nervous on him taking up a movie that's even bigger in scale, along with bigger actors. He did pull it off though, and there is some very clear, excellent 80's movie type of shots. The dialogue isn't good, but you have some really funny lines here, a lot of self deprecating stuff, they make many jokes about their age, especially Arnold. Stallone also makes a lot of jokes about himself. Chuck Norris was great when he is in this movie., they really play off the whole persona, the Chuck Norris persona that has become such a popular thing in the 21st century now. The movie is much more self aware than in the first one.
There is an airport sequence that is the climax of the movie that is amazing as well. You get Schwarzenegger, Willis, and Stallone shooting bad guys, it was a dream come true. Everything I wanted in the first Expendables film, with those three, and everyone else showed up in the second. In fact, my biggest problem with the movie is not the acting or dialogue, it's that the movie was too short to me, I thought to myself when they were wrapping stuff up, I was thinking, "We're done?!". This could have gone on for another 10 or 15 minutes, what's going on? We were really just getting to the big climax here. The Expendables 2 is not a good movie per say, but you should not be expecting that going in, I think it's a blast. It is one of the more satisfying movies of the summer, and a good way to end it. I have to give the Expendables 2 a very strong 3 1/2 out of 5.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Kevin Durant in a movie?!?
NO!!! Kevin Durant is starring in a movie. Not only does the movie look terrible, as they are trying to copy a bit of Like Mike, but Kevin Durant is just embarrasing himself. He is a legend, and NBA legends don't act unless you are Michael Jordan. Honestly, he just did it for the money, I mean why else would he? Everybody, even if you are Kevin Durant's number one fan ^^^ (No pun intended) Try not to see this for your own good.
"Bullet to the Head" Trailer
"Bullet to the Head" with Sylvester Stallone, and co-star Christian Slater, had released it's first trailer today, if you like Sly you'll like this. I think it looks okay for the most part, but in 2013 we'll see what delivery Stallone brings us. It is based off a french comic book, which lets us know Stallone is somewhat of a hero. The movie is about a cop and a hitman living through there partners death, they form an alliance afterwards in order to bring down their common enemy.Watch the trailer, and look for it in theatres next year!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
"The Last Stand" Trailer
New trailer for "The Last Stand" with Arnold. It has almost all likes on YouTube and no dislikes so that's a good sign, watch it! This is going to be action-packed. Welcome back Arnold!
"Avengers 2" Release Date
The extremely successful "Avengers" is coming back for more in 2015, make sure to see the 2nd on the 1st of May, I hate to get everyone amped and hyped since it's so far away, but it is coming!!
"The Wolverine" Storyline
The Wolverine, which is a new project for the X-Men series has confirmed it is shot in Japan, which is different for a superhero movie, not necessarily the typical environment. Also, Fox Productions has publicized a short summary of what we will be seeing in the film, the story is:
THE WOLVERINE finds Logan, the eternal warrior and outsider, in Japan. There, samurai steel will clash with adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed.
Not a huge fan of the X-Men origins, except I loved X-Men: First Class, but I did read that it is nothing like Origins and they are taking a step away, so it will be an improvement, exciting things to come!
Jake Gyllenhaal to star in "Mississippi Grind
Turns out, actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be casted for the starring role in a new drama, "Mississippi Grind", directed and written by the folks who brought you "Its Kind of A Funny Story" with Zach Galifianakis. No information has been given on the plot, but if it comes the writers of the "...Funny Story" film it should be good.
Iron Man 3 Production Delay
Iron Man 3, the new movie starring Robert Downey Jr. will be post poning production for a short time so RDJ can heal from what is just a minor ankle injury. Once he's healed, they will be right back on top of the things. As you see in the official movie poster, Iron Man 3 will be heading your way next summer!
For information on any of the series you can go to the link right here ----->
For information on any of the series you can go to the link right here ----->
"The Long Red Road" Introduction
"The Long Red Road' is a successful play, that is now in production of adapting to the big screen. Tom Hardy and Michael Shannon have signed on to the project, and it will be very interesting because Hardy acted as Sam in the actual play. Shannon is intending on playing Hardy's (Sam) older brother in the film.
The play/film takes place on an Indian reservation in South Dakota, where Sam (played by Hardy) lives and attempts to drink away his sorrows. I'm sure it will be good.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
David Cronenberg on TDKR, Nolan, Superhero Movies.
In a recent 'NextMovie' interview with David Cronenberg, a respected director of many films, he had expressed his disappointment and perception of the dark knight rises, the batman by nolan trilogy, and superhero movies itself.
He was quoted saying:
"I don’t think they are making them an elevated art form. I think it’s still Batman running around in a stupid cape. I just don’t think it’s elevated. Christopher Nolan’s best movie is “Memento,” and that is an interesting movie. I don’t think his Batman movies are half as interesting though they’re 20 million times the expense. What he is doing is some very interesting technical stuff, which, you know, he’s shooting IMAX and in 3-D. That’s really tricky and difficult to do. I read about it in “American Cinematography Magazine,” and technically, that’s all very interesting. The movie, to me, they’re mostly boring."-David Cronenberg, NextMovie (Badass Digest).
"But a superhero movie, by definition, you know, it’s comic book. It’s for kids. It’s adolescent in its core. That has always been its appeal, and I think people who are saying, you know, “Dark Knight Rises” is, you know, supreme cinema art,” I don’t think they know what the f**k they’re talking about."-David Cronenberg, NextMovie (Badass Digest).
I'm sure I'm not the only one disagree with him, I'm sure almost everyone does. I have no other things to say, than "wow, what the hell".............
Kick-Ass 2, 2 Guns 2013 Releases
Kick-Ass, which was released in 2010, is a movie based on a comic book. It is one of the most fun, because of its ridiculousness and gore. Thankfully, a sequel to Kick-Ass is to be released June 28th next year, I'm excited to see even more of the awesomeness, but I have to wait some time.
2 Guns, an action film starring Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington has now officially announced it's release date for 2013, and will arrive to the big screen August 16th!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Snow White & The Huntsman with no Snow White!
Snow White & The Hunstman is coming back for more...without snow white? Not only did Kristin Stewart make a fool of herself, but she's losing acting jobs because of her fling with the director of the film, Rupert Sanders. Universal Studios hasn't made a public confirmation, but we all know why Kristin is no longer Snow White, obviously...because she's a bad actress! The Spinoff will be announced soon, and will still be directed by Sanders. None of this makes any sense, but neither does any of Kristin Stewarts movies.
"The Tomb" Info/News
Wow, did the world forgive Arnold fast!!! He has numerous movies coming out in 2013, a couple of them being "The Last Stand" and "The Tomb". "The Tomb" which hits theatres next January, features Stallone as well, them being the two front man for the movie. The storyline is somewhat entertaining, just theres holes that need to be filled, and by filled i mean clarrified, because they're not so much thought out correctly.
"Ray Breslin is the world's foremost authority on structural security. After analyzing every high security prison and learning a vast array of survival skills so he can design escape-proof prisons, his skills are put to the test. He's framed and incarcerated in a master prison he designed himself. He needs to escape and find the person who put him behind bars."
Don't get me wrong, it's a great concept. One thing that I don't get though is that Ray Breslin built the 'prison', but yet when he's trapped in it, he can't get out of the own jail he built. That's like setting up a safe for yourself, but you forget what numbers to to put in to unlock and access. Tell me what you think. Comment and Follow! Check for more of the "The Tomb" on Flick Report in the upcoming months. I'm sure it will be good, Sly is never disappointing.
"The Last Stand" Details/Info
"I'm back!" He says in the trailer for the new soon to be released "Expendables 2". Turns out Arnold wasn't joking as he's got one hell of an agenda for the years ahead. This poster for "The Last Stand" was just released earlier today along with the synopsis:
After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez (Eduardo Noriega), the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular escape from an FBI prisoner convoy. With the help of a fierce band of lawless mercenaries led by the icy Burrell (Peter Stormare), Cortez begins racing towards the US-Mexico border at 250 mph in a specially-outfitted Corvette ZR1 with a hostage in tow. Cortez’ path: straight through Summerton Junction, where the whole of the U.S. law enforcement, including Agent John Bannister (Forest Whitaker) will have their final opportunity to intercept him before the violent fugitive slips across the border forever. At first reluctant to become involved, and then counted out because of the perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately rallies his team and takes the matter into his own hands, setting the stage for a classic showdown.
Sounds pretty intense. If you want to see Arnold make his comeback to the big screen, check him out along with a shitload of other legends in the new movie coming out next week, "The Expendables 2".
After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez (Eduardo Noriega), the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular escape from an FBI prisoner convoy. With the help of a fierce band of lawless mercenaries led by the icy Burrell (Peter Stormare), Cortez begins racing towards the US-Mexico border at 250 mph in a specially-outfitted Corvette ZR1 with a hostage in tow. Cortez’ path: straight through Summerton Junction, where the whole of the U.S. law enforcement, including Agent John Bannister (Forest Whitaker) will have their final opportunity to intercept him before the violent fugitive slips across the border forever. At first reluctant to become involved, and then counted out because of the perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately rallies his team and takes the matter into his own hands, setting the stage for a classic showdown.
Sounds pretty intense. If you want to see Arnold make his comeback to the big screen, check him out along with a shitload of other legends in the new movie coming out next week, "The Expendables 2".
"Seven Psychopaths" Exclusive Trailer
Marty (Farrell) is a struggling writer who dreams of finishing his screenplay, "Seven Psychopaths." Billy (Rockwell) is Marty’s best friend, an unemployed actor and part time dog thief, who wants to help Marty by any means necessary. All he needs is a little focus and inspiration. Hans (Walken) is Billy’s partner in crime: a religious man with a violent past. Charlie (Harrelson) is the psychopathic gangster whose beloved dog Billy and Hans have just stolen. Charlie is unpredictable and extremely violent and wouldn’t think twice about killing anyone or anything associated with the theft. Marty is going to get all the focus and inspiration he needs, just as long as he lives to tell the tale.
Monday, August 13, 2012
"Lawless" HD Trailer
The new film, "Lawless" will be coming to theatres soon, and looks like it's going to be a good one. With a major cast with guys like Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce, and Shia LaBeouf. This film looks fantastic, and just from the trailer, you can tell it will be a hit. Can't wait to see it!
"Lone Survivor" News/Details
This could be good! Peter Berg, director of numerous movies, one including "Hancock", has now took on the job of directing a new movie titled "Lone Survivors". Lone Survivors is based on the book, which is about a Navy SEAL team’s fight to stay alive during a Taliban ambush in the midst of their 2005 mission to kill a terrorist leader in Afghanistan. The guys you see above (Taylor Kitsch, Ben Foster, and Mark Wahlberg) will be some of the leading men on the big screen, and will be joined by even more stars like Eric Bana and Emile Hirsch. No details have been put out for a release date or pre-production. I will look forward to seeing this though, as I'm sure everyone else will too, stay tuned for updates!
"The Expendables 3" Talks
The action packed, badass, classic, favorited series "The Expendables" is adding on another film to the series, which will make it it's third. Yes, I know the Expendables 2 is coming out next week, and there is already talks for a third...that's very practical! So, the producer was like you know what this cast of Sly Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, Arnold "GET TO THE CHOPPA!!" Schwarzenegger, Randy Couture and Liam Hemsworth Cyrus isn't enough! For the next movie, they got Nicolas Cage, who has made himself a joke, and are trying to get the following: Clint Eastwood, who is a legend, Harrison Ford, who is a legend, and Wesley Snipes, who was a legend, then went to prison, but if he comes out to do this then he will be a legend. Now nothing is super official, but to get this cast is a huge move, and to pull it off would be spectacular. Let's see if they can do it! Go Avi Lerner!!! In the meantime, catch the Expendables 2 Friday, the 17th. If you haven't seen the trailer or want to check out other shit, click here>
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